AI tool development (chatbots, customized search platform, transcription, object identification)$300 – $5,000
Alexa development$100 – $1,500
Augmented Reality (AR) experiences for a non-social media platform$200 – $2,500
Augmented Reality (AR) experiences for social media platforms (Snapchat, Facebook/Instagram, TikTok)$100 – $2,500
Backlink audit of website$100
Copyediting$75 / article
Copywriting/Ghostwriting$100 / article
E-commerce website$2,500 – $10,000
Fillable PDF document$50 / page
Google Analytics Report$50 – $75
Logo design$75 – $200
Photoshop$50 / image
Podcast editing and transcription for show notes$100 / 30 minutes
Product photography$100 / hour plus travel expenses
Website accessibility audit$200
Website design and development (non e-commerce)$500 – $3500
Website hosting$400 / year
Website maintenance and updates$100 – $300 / month
Workshops (virtual)$100 / hour
Workshops (in-person)$100 / hour plus travel expenses
Services and Prices