
Pricing is based on the client’s needs. Client’s can select preferred platforms based on their needs and preferences.

Website Built in a Day

Best value if you need a website quickly. We determine a date where I will 100% commit to building your website. The client is responsible for the following:

  • Providing all images and content for the website prior to the date
  • Being available to quickly reply to questions or provide additional information
  • Providing samples of other websites they like (optional)

About the Website

  • Built on WordPress or Webflow platform (client choice)
  • 1 – 5 pages
  • 24 hour delivery of website
  • Minor edits and maintenance available for 7 days

$500 (does not include hosting)

Flywheel is recommended for WordPress hosting. Visit Flywheel to review plans starting at $13/month

Plan A

  • WordPress or Webflow platform
  • 10 – 15 pages
  • 30 – 45 day delivery of website
  • Minor edits and maintenance available at no charge for 30 days after delivery
  • Integration with Google Analytics
  • Instruction manual provided to client to perform regular updates and maintenance
  • Ideal for clients who need a large website created and are comfortable with performing regular updates


Flywheel is recommended for WordPress hosting. Visit Flywheel to review plans starting at $13/month

Plan B

  • WordPress or Webflow platform
  • 6 – 9 pages
  • 30 – 60 day delivery of website (dependent on client’s availability for meetings and providing digital assets)
  • Minor edits and maintenance available at no charge for 30 days after delivery
  • Ideal for clients who need a smaller website created and are comfortable with performing regular updates


Flywheel is recommended for WordPress hosting. Visit Flywheel to review plans starting at $13/month

Plan C

  • WordPress or Webflow platform
  • 1 – 5 pages
  • 7 – 14 day delivery of website (dependent on client’s availability for meetings and providing digital assets)
  • Minor edits and maintenance available at no charge for 30 days after delivery
  • Ideal for clients who need a smaller website created and are comfortable with performing regular updates and need a quick delivery.


Flywheel is recommended for WordPress hosting. Visit Flywheel to review plans starting at $13/month

Google Business Profile Manager

  • Google’s Website Builder to build a website that meets organization’s needs
  • 1 – 10 pages
  • 7 – 14 day delivery of website
  • Minor edits and maintenance available at no charge for 30 days after delivery
  • Ideal for clients who are are looking to take advantage of Google resources and comfortable using the Google platform



  • 2 – 3 meetings a month to assist clients who are working on their own website.



  • Perform updates and backups to website
  • 24 – 72 hour delivery time (depending on request)
  • Backups and security checks performed weekly
  • Provide monthly analytic reports on website performance and suggestions for improvement
